Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why Did the Chickens Cross the Road...

I was wondering this, and giggling a bit to myself, a few days ago when I happened upon three chickens crossing the road.

I had stopped at a four way stop and as I was looking left and right to see if it was my turn, I noticed three chickens walking up to the road. Now, as I continued straight though the stop (when it was my turn of course), I again looked over toward the chickens to see that they had indeed begun their historic crossing of the road. Do to the fact that I have things in my life to do other than watching farm foul frolic, I continued on my way and did not see if their perilous sojourn finished with the other side of the road, or road kill.

So why did the chickens cross the road? One can only assume from this sorry tale, that the oldest answer rings truest.