Friday, August 29, 2008

A Ringing in My Ears...

I was cleaning the kitchen, when I heard a very faint phone ringing. Hmm...not the TV...not my cell phones...was it the house phone? I looked and saw a vacant phone holder. it must be my phone, but where could it be? Luckily for me, I don't have an answering machine hooked up, so the phone could ring forever. So I followed the ringing, until I was standing before the couch. And in between the cushions, there I found my phone, still ringing. I answered it, feeling grateful that the person on the other line had the patience to wait for me, only to find out that it was a wrong number. The only thing left for me then, was to ponder why my phone was in the couch.
Some questions are too deep for the human mind.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thank You, Grandma Chris...

I would like to take a moment and write a thank you note to Grandma Chris, who has spent the last three months working her socks off helping our family.

Dear Grandma Chris,

Thank you for listening to Eddie and his endless stories and details about his favorite computer games.
Thank you for letting Katie help you cook, clean house, and do other "fun" chores around the house.
Thank you for sitting with Jon and reading the same book 20 times in a row, and running after him when he couldn't sit still.
Thank you for holding and changing and loving Ellie and Maggie when they needed it.
Thank you for cleaning my house, doing laundry, and the dishes, so that I could spend more time with my children, for listening to me talk endlessly about who knows what, and for loving my children.
Thank you for helping with Fitz (our dog), by pooper-scooping, walking him, brushing him, feeding him, and just being his buddy.
But most of all, thank you for raising a wonderful, godly man for me to love, cherish, and care for, for the rest of my days.

May you be filled with the Spirit, and have great joy on your next path. We have been privileged to have shared our path with you these past three months.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Quiz 3...

In the movie "Galaxy Quest" what is Guy's last name?

Answer: Fleegman

You find this out at the end of the movie, when they show the opening scene to the new show, and Guy is the security guard "Roc".

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Modesty...the Elusive Art...

There is nothing like having children to give you a deep reverence for privacy. No longer can I escape to the restroom to "powder my nose", without hearing a shriek, or a bang. Someone is always looking for me (no I'm not paranoid, just a mother), to ask just one more question, one more time, even though the answer was no 2 minutes ago. I have to get up early just to shower, so that no one comes and peeks around the shower curtain, and hide in the closet to get dressed, all the while saying in a loud voice that I am doing just that.
This is the price I pay as a mother. It is truly a small price, and well worth it, but I have to wonder,...when will the tables turn? At what age will they discover their own modesty?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Quiz 2...

In the movie, "The Fifth Element", how many people claimed to be Corbin Dallas?

Answer: 4

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Quizzes...

Ok, so some of you out there may be wondering about the addition of the quiz to my blog. As much as I like to keep suspense going (what little there might be), I've decided to explain why the quiz is there, and also, more importantly, to give the correct answers to the quizzes.
So the quiz exists because I figured out how to put one in my blog. Yep, that's it. Not that exciting.
As a secondary reason to leave it, I decided it would be nice if people would vote so that I'd know that you're reading my blog. When I read other people's blogs, I don't always have something to say, so here is your chance to leave your footprint on mine without having to be witty.
So please vote, even if you have no clue what the answer is. Guessing is fun.

Last week's Quiz: In Mr Smith Goes To Washington, what was the name of the Dam?

Answer: Willow Creek

My kingdom for a Name...

It was hard won, but Joe and I finally agreed on a name for each kitten. Ok, so it was more like Joe knew exactly what he wanted to name his kitten, I just didn't like it. After several unproductive hours of trying to talk Joe into changing his chosen name, I caved and pick a name that would go with his. All in all, the names are cute, and I can live with them.
So, I bet you'd like to know what the names are, right? Well let me be the first to introduce (drum roll please),
Holly and Winter, the Kilcoyne Kittens.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good Cop, Bad Cop...

Ok, so Joe and I were just arriving in the Walmart parking lot, when I saw a sign that said "Kittens". I, of course, remarked that I saw the sign, and Joe, jokingly asked if I wanted one. So I told him I just wanted to look. Just a look right? I knew Joe would say we couldn't get one, so I felt safe looking, and maybe even begging a little. I knew the answer would be no.
I guess I forgot to read the script today, because it turns out that I was suppose to be the bad cop. So there we were in Walmart, buying cat supplies for the "one" kitten, and I said, "I'm going to ask you a question and you need to say no. Do you want to get both of them"?
"No" Joe answered. Only he really didn't mean it, and I knew he didn't mean it because I can read him like the Sunday paper! Not only did Joe want to get one, he wanted two!
The only problem I have now is what to name them.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spiritual Corner...Made possible by the Contributions of Katie...

"Tell me something I don't know about Jesus" can be heard every night at my house. It is the greatest ruse to stay up and not go to bed. Most kids ask for water, or need to go to the bathroom, but not my Katie. She's figured it out. She knows that water won't be gotten more than once, and potty breaks are taken right before bed. So she does the one thing I can't turn down, she wants to talk about Jesus. Now don't get me wrong, I love to talk to her about Jesus. She is a vault of knowledge about Him already, and is so excited about learning new information, that I can't help but get excited too. But now that I know, that she knows how to use it as a ruse, I will have to limit it to a 5 minute dialog. So sad.

Just for fun, I will share one of the things she and I talked about a week or so ago.
Katie: "Tell me something I don't know about Jesus".
Mommy: "Ok, did you know that Jesus started doing His miracles at the age of 30?"
Katie: "Ok, now I'm going to tell you something that you don't know".
Mommy: "Ok".
Katie: "Did you know that Jesus didn't have a stick?" This is said while pointing to the lower region of the body.
Mommy: "Hmm...What do you mean?" At this point I was very confused, not quite sure what she was talking about.
Katie: "Like Eddie has a stick, Jesus didn't have one." Ok, now I understand.
Mommy: "Oh,...yes he did. He was just like us." Now I'm wondering why in the world would she think of something like that. And then she says...
Katie: "But the bible says He has not a body like man?"

Saturday, August 2, 2008

To Post, or Not To Post...

...that is the question (but it's not a very good one). It seems to me that everyday something happens and I think to myself, "I should blog about that".
But I don't.
And then a day or two later, I think, "I should have blogged about that".
But I didn't.
Did I mention that I have five kids? I suppose I really shouldn't blame them for my absentmindedness (boy, that was a long word), but hey why not! It does seem to me, that with each additional child I have, the more brain cells I seem to lose. There is definitely a correlation there, I just can't prove it.