Sunday, November 30, 2008

They Came, They Saw, They Went Home...

My parents arrived late Monday night and stayed through Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful visit, celebrating Thanksgiving, my dad's birthday (undisclosed age), and Eddie's 8th birthday. It all passed too quickly, as they had to leave on Friday. I'm not embarrassed to say that I adore my parents, even if and when they drive me nuts. I truly believe myself blessed to have been raised by them, imperfect that they may be. So Mom and Dad, Thanks for stopping by, I'm looking forward to being nuts again soon.

Also, I had an absolutely lovely visit from my friend Katharyn over the weekend. She arrived after my parents left, and stayed through Sunday. Thanks Kat! It was very refreshing to have some girl time.

Oh, and thank you Lana for stopping by earlier this month, it really brightened my day!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Turkey Wars...

I bought a frozen turkey. Well actually, I bought three frozen turkeys.
This is because of the Turkey Wars. What, you ask, are the Turkey Wars? Well I'll tell you, the Turkey Wars are when all the supermarkets fight to get you to buy their turkey by promising to meet any other store's price.
The end result for me was that on Tuesday, the week before Thanksgiving, I bought a Turkey for .47cents per lb! WOW! That is one cheap turkey (I thought). Until the Sunday before Thanksgiving arrived and I saw that the same turkey was then only .43cents per lb! No Way! I thought to myself, as I bought another turkey. And last of all, on the Tuesday right before Thanksgiving, I found myself at the store yet again, only to see that the Turkeys were now .39cents per lb. So as you can guess, I just had to buy another turkey.
The good news is that because they are all frozen turkeys, they all fit nicely into the bottom of my deep freezer in the garage, so I can now have cheap turkey anytime I want. Which is a good thing because I happen to love turkey.

Now if only I could get the cows to fight...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Snowed in... Phoenix AZ?
Well ok not really, but it sure feels like it. We are entering the RSV season and because the Twins are high risk, we are no longer taking them out. That means no trips to the super market (you can imagine how sad it must be for me to have to shop for groceries alone...), and no trips to the mall (well I didn't really need to spend money there anyway). But seriously, the worst of it is that I am now staying home from church too. If I had a way to keep Jon, Ellie and Maggie in a bubble so that I could go to church I would, because after missing about 6 weeks of church because the kids kept getting sick, this is like the nail in the coffin. So I would ask for all you readers out there to pray for me.

This is going to be a long winter.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow...

So, I have this habit of trimming my own hair in the back, whenever it feels too long. Usually, this is not a problem because I follow 1 rule: less is more. This means that however much you think you want to cut off, cut less. Trust me, it works! I usually get just the right amount by cutting less than I think I need to cut.
I bet you all can just guess where this blog is going...I broke my rule. I was in a hurry to cut before the kids all woke up yesterday morning, and I had an idea in my head of what I wanted the back to look like, and I cut. after I tried to line up the rest of the "trim" so as to make it even, I had only one thought,..."at least it will grow back". Not the most promising thoughts I can assure you. Well, while my hair was still wet it was a bit short, livable but short. But when my hair dried...uh...not so good. Have you ever seen one of those poodles with the long ears? It kinda looked like that. No, I'm not kidding.
So after trying several different way to "put it up", I finally gave up and went to Great Clips and had them fix it. It was nice to be able to tell them what I wanted and to have them do it. They did a great job, and my hair actually looks like I had wanted it too. Crazy huh?
The moral of this story? Never deviate from rule 1. (yes, I will cut my own hair again, but not today)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mud, Dirt Cheap...

So Joe has been trying to put a fence in the backyard to separate the kid zone from the garden zone. The problem is that the ground here is rock hard (not to mention the abundance of rocks too). As you can imagine this does not make a fun honey to-do item. But alas, done it must be.
A solution to the back breaking, hand hammering (yes he did hit his hand with the hammer a few times), post driving work is to water the ground first. Yes you read that right. We are watering the dirt, not the garden. When you think about it, it does make sense that wet dirt is softer than dry dirt. So that's what we did (with the last two posts).
Now here comes the good part, the two older kids wanted to help with the last post/dirt watering. Great idea right? Great way to get the kids involved and motivated to help right? Well ok yeah, if you want your kids covered in mud that is. Did you know that a sock can be filled with mud? It can! I cleaned out 4 mud filled socks. I also discovered that mud makes a wonderful brown dye. That's right! You can, for free, dye all your whites a beautiful dingy brown just by dragging them in some homemade mud!
If you're really lucky though, you might just have a good laugh after hosing down two very dirty kids.
And you'll be happy to know that the last post was easy to place in all that mud.

Quiz 7...

In the movies, "Indiana Jones", what is Indiana afraid of?

Answer: Snakes!