Saturday, October 4, 2008

In the Trenches...

About three weeks ago, the twins started to crawl (Maggie was first by a day or two). It's the funniest thing to watch, because they don't crawl on their hands and knees, but on their forearms and knees.
Picture this
...the floor is layered with toys to the right and to the left, but if only Maggie could get to that one "special" toy that Ellie has. So she moves through the trenches, inching her way through the thicket. Low to the ground she silently approaches Ellie, who is unaware. At the last possible moment, when Maggie is ready to snatch the toy, Ellie rolls over and then away. Maggie must move on. The battle may be lost, but not yet the war.

1 comment:

The Phillips Place said...

Wow crawling! Fun times! :) Put up some pictures!!!! I want to see those cuties! All 5 of 'em :).