Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Turkey Wars...

I bought a frozen turkey. Well actually, I bought three frozen turkeys.
This is because of the Turkey Wars. What, you ask, are the Turkey Wars? Well I'll tell you, the Turkey Wars are when all the supermarkets fight to get you to buy their turkey by promising to meet any other store's price.
The end result for me was that on Tuesday, the week before Thanksgiving, I bought a Turkey for .47cents per lb! WOW! That is one cheap turkey (I thought). Until the Sunday before Thanksgiving arrived and I saw that the same turkey was then only .43cents per lb! No Way! I thought to myself, as I bought another turkey. And last of all, on the Tuesday right before Thanksgiving, I found myself at the store yet again, only to see that the Turkeys were now .39cents per lb. So as you can guess, I just had to buy another turkey.
The good news is that because they are all frozen turkeys, they all fit nicely into the bottom of my deep freezer in the garage, so I can now have cheap turkey anytime I want. Which is a good thing because I happen to love turkey.

Now if only I could get the cows to fight...

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