Thursday, November 20, 2008

Snowed in... Phoenix AZ?
Well ok not really, but it sure feels like it. We are entering the RSV season and because the Twins are high risk, we are no longer taking them out. That means no trips to the super market (you can imagine how sad it must be for me to have to shop for groceries alone...), and no trips to the mall (well I didn't really need to spend money there anyway). But seriously, the worst of it is that I am now staying home from church too. If I had a way to keep Jon, Ellie and Maggie in a bubble so that I could go to church I would, because after missing about 6 weeks of church because the kids kept getting sick, this is like the nail in the coffin. So I would ask for all you readers out there to pray for me.

This is going to be a long winter.

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