Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spiritual Corner...Made possible by the Contributions of Katie...

"Tell me something I don't know about Jesus" can be heard every night at my house. It is the greatest ruse to stay up and not go to bed. Most kids ask for water, or need to go to the bathroom, but not my Katie. She's figured it out. She knows that water won't be gotten more than once, and potty breaks are taken right before bed. So she does the one thing I can't turn down, she wants to talk about Jesus. Now don't get me wrong, I love to talk to her about Jesus. She is a vault of knowledge about Him already, and is so excited about learning new information, that I can't help but get excited too. But now that I know, that she knows how to use it as a ruse, I will have to limit it to a 5 minute dialog. So sad.

Just for fun, I will share one of the things she and I talked about a week or so ago.
Katie: "Tell me something I don't know about Jesus".
Mommy: "Ok, did you know that Jesus started doing His miracles at the age of 30?"
Katie: "Ok, now I'm going to tell you something that you don't know".
Mommy: "Ok".
Katie: "Did you know that Jesus didn't have a stick?" This is said while pointing to the lower region of the body.
Mommy: "Hmm...What do you mean?" At this point I was very confused, not quite sure what she was talking about.
Katie: "Like Eddie has a stick, Jesus didn't have one." Ok, now I understand.
Mommy: "Oh,...yes he did. He was just like us." Now I'm wondering why in the world would she think of something like that. And then she says...
Katie: "But the bible says He has not a body like man?"


Just Us said...!!! Smart lil girl you have there!!!

Jenny said...

That is hysterical! I *heart* Katie!