Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A mouse by any other name...

Help.....I was reading in bed, when out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw some black mass move across my floor. This was one of those moments when you pause and stare, and think about your sanity. I was sitting and staring, thinking that I must have imagined it, when there, running across my bedroom floor is a MOUSE!!!!! "Dad....Dad....there's a mouse in my room" I firmly said in a not so quiet voice. In comes my dad to save the day, or night as this happened to be. He looks around and leaves only to return a few moments later with a mouse trap and newspaper for under the mouse trap. And there I was, thinking how well thought out it was to use newspaper under the trap to save the floor from any mess, when I realized that I was now alone with the mouse because my dad had gone back to bed. He was obviously less fazed about the mouse than I was. Now I'm not saying that I'm afraid of mice, not at all. The problem is that I can't wear steal toed boots to bed, and I think the chain mail would chafe a bit against my skin while I slept. Mice are wondrous pet stores...just not in my room, not in my house, not where I sleep. Praise the Lord for cats.

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