Sunday, June 15, 2008

Doctors, and Starbucks...

The two most expensive things you can't live without when you're a mom.

I called the Doctors office to get a same day appointment for my son (he had a cut on his little toe) and this is what I heard...
"Weren't you just in here a few days ago?"
"Yes, I was. I have 5 kids."
"Wow! No wonder we see you so must be busy."

I have, in fact, been to the Doctors office at least 4 times this month. And the month isn't even over yet... I can't even count how many times my kids have seen Doctors since the beginning of the year!
Here's how I see it:
More Doctor=More Coffee...
So...I think they should open a Starbucks in the Doctors office. Saves time, even if it won't save money...maybe they could even make a discount per cup or child...hmmm...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Brilliant! Did you know that some Targets have Starbucks in them? We need those in San Diego!