Monday, July 14, 2008

Moving...The Sport of Champions...

So, my great plans to have my house unpacked, painted, and organized have been torn to shreds, and lay in a heap. Here I am into my third week here and the house is still full of unpacked boxes, and only one room has been painted. As for organization, what's that? There are few times in my life that I am totally wrong, and even fewer times that I would admit to. But here I am, ready and willing to admit defeat. I was wrong. There I said it, it wasn't that hard. I thought that moving would be done in a week. I thought that I could paint in a day (ha!). I thought that putting everything away would make it organized. I was soooo wrong! So my hat is off to all of you who smiled slyly when I spoke my plans. I nod to those who have moved before and come out the other side singed but not burned. As for me, I will recover. Perhaps a bit more humble for the experience, definitely a lot more respectful of this great American pastime, moving.


Grey Magistrate said...

But you have five kids! It'd be amazing if you could keep the house organized even if you were already fully moved in.

Just Us said...

Well you know, you do have 5 kids!!!! Im sure it will take a couple months to paint and unpack!!!!

Jenny said...

Love you Bec!

JNJIMallonFamilyBlog said...

I can't believe that you are unpacking and watching all your kiddos!!

SoCalKat said...

THAT way you LEARN!!! Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha haa! :-P