Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Toilet by Any Other Name...

Would still be really dirty.

Have you ever wondered what a toddler really thinks about the bathroom before they're potty trained? Well I don't really know the answer to that, because every toddler is different, but I'm pretty sure my twin toddlers think it's a water park.

Today I found Maggie sitting in the sink while her sister Ellie scooped water out of the toilet. They were having a blast! I suppose if you wanted to name their "rides" you might call Maggie's "The Waterfall", or "River Run". And I suppose Ellie's might be called "The swirling Vertex of Farewell", or "Going Down Stream".

I guess most water parks are a bit germ infested, but I kinda feel like this one might take the cake.

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