Saturday, February 14, 2009

If it Please the Court...

We would like to introduce Sr. William Lucus, our new Lab/Sharpei puppy.

We call him Luc.
And for those of you who are shaking your heads and wondering how crazy we'd have to be to have three dogs...
I would like to say...
"The Colonel will no longer be working with us".
For reasons that would take to long to go into, and would be too depressing to mention, Colonel Brandon the German Shepherd was returned to the Humane Society.


Unknown said...

Aw, sad:( I understand, we've had to do that with a few dogs. But, on the brighter side, we just got a new dog! He's an Australian Terrier. And so sweet!

Grey Magistrate said...

"The Colonel will no longer be working with us" -- what a perfect line! Ha ha!