Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Lesser Of Two Weevils...

Umm...so I ate a bowl of cereal tonight at bedtime, only to notice as I reached the bottom that my cereal was moving. Yes, that's right, I have been eating bug infested cereal for who knows how long. I looked it up and found out that most of the bugs come with the food from the store. Not exactly the freebies I was hoping for. Turns out they can get into any cardboard box, and through the bags into the food. Nice huh? I looked my little proteins up and found out that they are Flour Beetles, the FDA's most dreaded enemy. It looks like from now on I have to freeze all grains that enter my house for at least 4 days at 0 degrees to protect my household from these little invaders. Cleaners don't work, not even bleach. And although there is a suggestion that using Bay leaves will keep them at bay, no proof has been set forth for it.

So once again I was forced to choose the lesser of two weevils....I hope I chose the smaller one.

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