Saturday, March 27, 2010

Days That Were Made For Tears...

I don't think I could fully describe the emotions I felt today, so instead let me just list the main events and let you fill in the blanks with whatever your mind can imagine.

1. Husband gone for the whole day.
2. Kids not wanting to do their chores, and subsequently goofing off instead.
3. Me thinking the toddlers are watching a movie while the older kids do their chores in the same room, which leads to...
4. The twins dumping soap all over themselves and the kitchen floor.
5. Me having a meltdown, and sending all the kids to their rooms for the remainder of the day.
6. Me doing the chores for the kids because lets face it someone has to do it.
7. Me going to my room to do my own chores.
8. Jon sneaking downstairs and into the backyard where he played with sunscreen and dirt, spreading it on my previously clean kitchen floor.
9. Katie, still hungry after dinner, uses the microwave to warm some bread and learns like the cavemen how to make fire.
10. Jon pours a mound of dirt on my sad kitchen floor, after I sent all the kids outside to get away from the smoke caused by igniting bread.

With any luck, that will be all and the rest of the evening will be wonderfully boring....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Behind Closed Doors...

I am very careful to close all the upstairs bedroom and bathroom doors, due to the fact that I have two very curious and resourceful toddlers. They have a great need to get into things and places that they don't belong. Now when I call them resourceful, I mean that they have taken to enlisting their slightly older brother Jon, in their mischief. Jon knows how to open doors.
So this morning while I was otherwise occupied, Jon let himself and the twins into the upstairs bathroom. But don't worry, Jon being so responsible, closed the door behind them.
Now, mothers seem to have a six sense about when their little ones are up to something nefarious. That sense hit me like a wall, and up the stairs I went. Hmm....all the doors are closed just like I left them....but it's so quite....wherever could my little ones be? In the bathroom of course! I open the door to find one toddler naked leaning over the side of the tub, the other one dressed but covered in soap as she emptied a second bottle of bath wash into the tub, and Jon, dear Jon enjoying the adventure by playing with the toilet. (no water was used in the making of this hugh mess)

Can I scream now?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Lesser Of Two Weevils... I ate a bowl of cereal tonight at bedtime, only to notice as I reached the bottom that my cereal was moving. Yes, that's right, I have been eating bug infested cereal for who knows how long. I looked it up and found out that most of the bugs come with the food from the store. Not exactly the freebies I was hoping for. Turns out they can get into any cardboard box, and through the bags into the food. Nice huh? I looked my little proteins up and found out that they are Flour Beetles, the FDA's most dreaded enemy. It looks like from now on I have to freeze all grains that enter my house for at least 4 days at 0 degrees to protect my household from these little invaders. Cleaners don't work, not even bleach. And although there is a suggestion that using Bay leaves will keep them at bay, no proof has been set forth for it.

So once again I was forced to choose the lesser of two weevils....I hope I chose the smaller one.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Messy Truth...

Ok, potty training the twins so far has been, well messy. I had two lovey ladies try to use the potty chairs today, and two lovely ladies use the floor instead. I have to give them an A for trying at least, after all it could be worse....right?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Potty Training, A Last Resort...

Oh the joys of toddler hood,...learning to walk, learning to talk, learning to throw tantrums, and the most glorious of it all, learning to control one's bodily functions. Yes ladies' and gentlemen, the time has come for the twins to be potty trained. Now, I know that some think that as soon as a child turns two it should commence, and there are those who want each child to begin when he or she is ready. And then there is me. I want to potty train the twins this summer, after baby Sam arrives. Sure, they'll be two and a half, sure they're ready now, but I made my decision months ago. Don't I get a say in any of this?


For the past few months I have tried and failed to find a way to keep a diaper on both twins. Not on their watch! They take off the cloth, they take off the throw away, they even strip complicated clothing off just to get at their diapers. I even had one of them (I think it was Maggie) pull the diaper up and out of her pants.
I spend half the day chasing down under clothed toddlers just for the chance to re-diaper them for the umpteenth time. So at long last I have decided to potty train them, because one way or another nothing seems to be ending up in the diapers anyway.

So lift your glass, and toast with me to "long life, and clean floors".

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On Your Mark...Get Set...

Here we are again, in the third and final installment of this pregnancy. I have to say that this has been my fastest pregnancy yet. For some reason, I just don't have time to think about the passing days and hours. For me, it's weeks that turn into months, and now I am racing toward the finish line! I'm starting to think that I might not have everything ready in time for Sam's arrival. I know that's hard to believe, this being my sixth child, but I haven't even set up a crib yet, nor have I decided where to put it. The other day I realized that I hadn't purchased a "coming home" outfit for him yet. The good news is that I have 2+ months left to get ready. The bad news is that I can't see myself being any less busy between now and then. lol
So with that being said, I guess I better just...


Monday, March 1, 2010

The Laptop...

So for a little while now I have been wishing for a laptop. It's a very rare thing for me to actually agree to spend money on something so frivolous, but since we did our taxes and had a little extra money after paying off some bills, I went ahead and got one. The cool thing is that I got one that was cheap, (which makes me happy) and one that works well (which Joe likes). That's my non-computer lingo that means that it was a, and I quote, "smokin' deal". I'm very thankful that my husband knows something about what a GB is and why a duel processor is good. And the most important thing? Turns out it can play WOW. Yeah ok, maybe that's not the most important thing, but my dad wanted to know, and my husband had to find out.

And yes, I'm using it right now to write this post...

Per Request...

My mother thought that perhaps I should try to fit blogging back into my slightly busy life. Hmm....

OK, sure why not.