Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When You Don't Have a Leg To Stand On...

Stand on the other one!

Well, I still have one leg to stand on at least. Monday night while at Karate class, I managed to twist my ankle. Not fun I can assure you. But, never having been good at backing down, I continued to finish the class hopping on one foot. The instructor commenting on the fact that I seemed to be smiling an awful lot for someone in pain. Yep, probably not the wisest course of action. In any case, I now have a very sore and swollen ankle, and an incredibly messy house. It's amazing how hard it is to get things done when all you can do is hobble around the house.

Oh, and no more Karate for at least a week. lol

1 comment:

Just Us said...

Oooooh not good! Hope it heels fast!