Men and women are diffent. Yes, yes, I know that you all know that already. But for fun I thought I would give an example of how...
Problem: The vacuum cord has been chewed through by the dog.
Women's solution: Frown, whine, then buy a new vacuum. After all, the floor needs to be cleaned.
Men's solution: "splice" (whatever that means) the cord back together, or buy a new cord section from a home improvement store and splice that onto the old cord, or buy a new cord altogether and attach or splice on to the vacuum. Besides, why do you need to clean the floor? It didn't look that dirty to me.
Now I am all for saving money, but "splice"? What is that? Is it safe? Will the kids electrocute themselves later?
Oh, well. We have now ordered a replacement cord that should arrive in a week or so.
Funny - we went throught the same thing a few months ago, with the blow dryer. I had had the dryer for years and years and was quite happy to pay $18 on a new one, (in fact, I had already bought it) but oh no, not necessary! A new cord for under $4 was bought and "spliced" in. So far, no electrucution. And the other blow dryer was returned.
Ah yes, I also have experienced this predicament and lived to tell the tale. It all happened during a particularly violent vacuuming episode...
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