Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Three Stories to "Floor" You With...

1. Last night Jon once again discovered the joys of nail polish, when he painted the town red. Well, my bedroom anyway. The remaining reminders of that brush with fate are red drops and smears on my bathroom carpet.

2. While in the other room this morning, I heard this odd hissing sound. Hoping it wasn't a pipe, I rushed into the kitchen to find Jon greasing the floor with Pam oil spray. I guess he just wanted the floor to really shine for mommy, such a sweet boy.

3. Have you ever used Red Wine Vinegar in your cooking? I haven't yet, but Jon did season the carpet with it this morning. The sweet and tangy bouquet still fills my house now.

Now if I could just cook on the floor, Jon could be my in-house chef.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Justice, or Getting What You Deserve...

Anyone who has talked to my mother has probably heard the story about the time David (my brother) and I used nail polish to paint my mother's bedroom. It is quite an amusing tale, so if you haven't heard it yet, you should. But not today, and not on this post.

I suppose most of you have at one time or another also heard someone say something like, "just wait until you have kids..." or "I hope you have one just like you..."

These comments are usually said after some sort of crazy childhood behavior is witnessed.

Returning to my first paragraph, about the nail polish story...

My just desserts arrived this morning, when Jon my cute and ever busy toddler painted my kitchen with nail polish.

Now I think I got off easy because most everything in the kitchen is cleanable, but I'm pretty sure it still counts.

So here's to you mom, the sins of the daughter have now been past on to the son.

Ok, That's Just Gross...

So I'm sure you can imagine that with 5 kids to get ready every morning, there is a time and place for everything. Kids have to have breakfast, use the bathroom or get their diapers changed, brush their teeth and get dressed.

Now it just so happened that this morning a delivery arrived that I had to look over and sign for. This meant that the above list was set back between breakfast and the diaper changes. What ended up happening is that after changing two diapers, Jon's and Ellie's, I was about to start Maggie's when I noticed something strange about her nightie pants. She looked like she was storing a vast treasure in her pants at her ankle. I knew what this meant...her diaper had become unattached and had slid down her leg to her ankle. Well not the best thing to find, but it could be worse right? She could be dirty too... Yeah, do you see where I'm going with this? I gingerly removed her pants noting that there was a brown discoloration to them, and griped her other ankle (the one her diaper avoided) only to get a hand full of something quite squishy. Evidently, her diaper hadn't wanted anything to do with the mess and had gone in quite the opposite direction. So what I ended up with was one sopping wet diaper on one leg, and all the rest on the other.

"Maggie,...can you say gross"?

I love this job!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Solution v.s. Theirs...

Men and women are diffent. Yes, yes, I know that you all know that already. But for fun I thought I would give an example of how...

Problem: The vacuum cord has been chewed through by the dog.

Women's solution: Frown, whine, then buy a new vacuum. After all, the floor needs to be cleaned.

Men's solution: "splice" (whatever that means) the cord back together, or buy a new cord section from a home improvement store and splice that onto the old cord, or buy a new cord altogether and attach or splice on to the vacuum. Besides, why do you need to clean the floor? It didn't look that dirty to me.

Now I am all for saving money, but "splice"? What is that? Is it safe? Will the kids electrocute themselves later?

Oh, well. We have now ordered a replacement cord that should arrive in a week or so.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ah, Dyson, I knew it Well....

Do you have a Dyson vacuum? I do. And oh how I love that yellow bundle of cleaning power.
I bought it when Joe and I got married three years ago, and it has been a wonderful companion since then. Imagine if I had to pick crumbs out of the carpet on my hands and knees....or if I had to use a broom for the kitchen floor....but no, my Dyson does it for me. Oh what a friend it has been. Sacrificing on my behalf to secure a cleaner environment. Sniff...

The new puppy, Luc, chewed through the cord last night....Sniff....

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Private Moment...

I have no interest in debating personal opinions, medical science, or biblical truths on this blog. I just want to enjoy writing funny little tidbits about my life. Unfortunately, I have hit a sensitive "spot" with some of the male population with one of my blog posts. I have since "removed" that blog and the offence that it incurred. People who do not like what I write are welcome not to read it.

Ah, but I digress....

I am going to be making my blog private. I would like to invite those who would like to continue to read my blog to email me at

This is an open invitation to those who know me, and who actually care about my funny little stories. If you happened upon my blog or your a friend of a friend, and you just enjoy reading it, you are also welcome. If you are some stranger searching the Internet looking for someone to harass, go find someone else to bother. Or better yet, get a job.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Twice as Nice, or Double Jeopardy...

Another missing earring,

Another backing found in the kid zone,

Another afternoon spent searching and vacuuming,

Another chance to pick through the vacuum bag,


One earring found!

Guess no one's getting x-rayed for this one.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why Did the Chickens Cross the Road...

I was wondering this, and giggling a bit to myself, a few days ago when I happened upon three chickens crossing the road.

I had stopped at a four way stop and as I was looking left and right to see if it was my turn, I noticed three chickens walking up to the road. Now, as I continued straight though the stop (when it was my turn of course), I again looked over toward the chickens to see that they had indeed begun their historic crossing of the road. Do to the fact that I have things in my life to do other than watching farm foul frolic, I continued on my way and did not see if their perilous sojourn finished with the other side of the road, or road kill.

So why did the chickens cross the road? One can only assume from this sorry tale, that the oldest answer rings truest.

Monday, March 2, 2009

That's About the Size of It...

The twins just keep getting bigger. I realized that they were starting to look like stuffed sausages in their 12-18 month clothes, so I changed out their wardrobe to size 24 months/2 toddler.
So I would like to send a big


to Esther who graciously donated their wardrobe!

Ah,...But Could He Climb Mt. Everest...

A little background...
In preparation of the twins leaving their cribs (months away, but I always like to plan ahead), I changed all the bedding arrangements. I turned Eddie and Jon's twin beds into bunk beds (they're cool that way), and turned the ladder side to the wall since we aren't planning on using the top bunk yet. And I moved Katie's (formerly Eddie's) bunk bed into the boys room for Jon (this one turns upside down and becomes a regular twin close to the floor). I then moved our spare full size bed into the girls room because Katie has this grand wish to share a bed with her sisters (we'll see how long that lasts).

Ok, now that you know what kind of beds are in each room...
Somehow, Jon has scaled the wooden bunk bed in the boys room. I have yet to see how he does this since the ladder is pressed against the wall, but I have caught him up there twice now. He was so proud of himself, that I'm sure it came as quite a shock to get in trouble for it. He was grinning from ear to ear, well until I took him down that is.

Quiz 8...

"Save the clock tower"! is a line from what movie?

Answer: Back to the Future

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Cloth Diapers...Not Just For Your Average Baby...

Joe and I kept finding "wet" diapers in the clean diaper bucket. Which as you can imagine did not please either of us. What we though was happening was that the kids in their hurry to clean up the kid zone were mistakenly putting them in the wrong bucket.

We were wrong.

The cats had found a "new" litter box.