This past month, I've been trying out the GroceryGame. It's a service that tells you what groceries to buy at which store with what coupon on which day you will save the most money. Here is my take on it so far...
1. You have to pay a fee to use the service. This of course makes sense because someone has to do all the "leg" work.
2. You have to buy the Sunday newspaper, and have it delivered. The paper has coupons that are used to save you money.
3. There is a new shopping list every week. This means that you have to go shopping every week too, to get the best prices.
4. You have to stock up on things while they're cheap. So if you have 4 jars of peanut butter, you need to buy more if it's on the list for .19 cents.
5. You have to buy what you have coupons for. So no special diets here.
6. It takes time. You have to clip and sort coupons, and shop for specific items. No running in an out in a hurry.
So far, I'm not sure if I'm saving any money, but I sure am eating a lot of Crescent Rolls.
That is my fear of that! If you are eating meat, salad stuff, fruits and veggies it doesn't really work. Most coupons are for carbs!
Sounds interesting! I find that the healthier I try to feed my family, the less coupons I use. Where is the justice??? My favorite coupons tend to be detergent, cleaners, etc... and dairy products.
But hey, you can't go wrong with crescent rolls... can you believe how many different things you can make with them? :)
Yeah...I tried this too. Didn't really like it for all the reasons already mentioned. Hey, can you send me your address so I can mail you a Christmas card?
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