Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Modesty...the Elusive Art...

There is nothing like having children to give you a deep reverence for privacy. No longer can I escape to the restroom to "powder my nose", without hearing a shriek, or a bang. Someone is always looking for me (no I'm not paranoid, just a mother), to ask just one more question, one more time, even though the answer was no 2 minutes ago. I have to get up early just to shower, so that no one comes and peeks around the shower curtain, and hide in the closet to get dressed, all the while saying in a loud voice that I am doing just that.
This is the price I pay as a mother. It is truly a small price, and well worth it, but I have to wonder,...when will the tables turn? At what age will they discover their own modesty?

1 comment:

Grey Magistrate said...

Can't you just lock the door? Even when I'm in the house by m'self, I always lock the door -- y'know, just in case!