Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Long Awaited Apology...

While I was nursing the twins one last time before bed tonight, the most endearing thing happened. They held each other's hands. It's ok, you can say it,..."Awwww, how cute". I know I did, and I like to pride myself on my lack of gooeyness.
But being a parent has definitely ruined my stoic self. I now find myself tearing up while watching "A Baby Story" on TLC, or just about anytime anything wonderful happens between a mother and child. It's bad.
So I would like to apologize to my Mother. I'm sorry for all those years I rolled my eyes at you when you needed a tissue after watching a TV show, or when you cried over a movie. You were right. It's just so Beautiful!

1 comment:

Just Us said...

Well as for me, i have always cried over a sad movie...after having kids....its i BALL my eyes out over sad movies!!!