Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Great Escape, or Tiramisu My Darling...

Last night, I made a mad dash out of the house with the twins (after hours of thinking up reasons why not to go), to attend a women's bible study dinner with ladies from my church. We met at a lovely little Greek/Italian restaurant. I had already eaten dinner with my family, so I only ordered dessert...twice. Well what was I to do with Tiramisu on the menu? (I think that almost rhymes) And no, I didn't order Tiramisu twice (although I was tempted), I ordered Baklava the second time. Ooooo...and they were both soooo good. The trip was worth it for that alone. Of course, I did enjoy the conversation and company too.
I must say, that one of the pluses to nursing twins is that I don't feel as guilty for enjoying a little bit more dessert here and there. Don't I get one dessert per baby? Well maybe not, but I think I should. I suppose I'll have to carry them up and down the stairs twice as many times now, but it was soooo worth it.
Did I mention I love Tiramisu?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Things I don't miss about being a kid...

I don't miss getting shots at the Doctor's office.
I don't miss fighting with my parents.
I don't miss fighting with my brothers.
I don't miss having to do as told.
I don't miss nasty cold medicine.
I don't miss being shy around boys.
I don't miss homework.
I don't miss being grounded.

Things I miss about being a kid...

I miss waking up on Saturday morning to the sound of my dad mowing the lawn.
I miss being able to walk to the corner store without worrying about "bad guys".
I miss sleepovers with my girl friends that involved late night movies and popcorn, but didn't involve much sleeping.
I miss "Thrifty" ice cream, especially "chocolate malted crunch".
I miss waking up after the sleepovers, and not being tired.
I miss giggling at boys, just because they're boys.
I miss watching the old Disney Cartoons on Saturday morning.
I miss being Innocent in knowledge.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Infectious Disease Ward...

...also know as my house. Yes, that's right, the kids are sick again.
If I look on the bright side, however, even though I didn't sleep last night due to sobbing infants, at least Ellie and Maggie took turns crying instead of screaming in unison.

Happy thought indeed.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick...

While watching a movie about Joseph (of the Bible), Eddie saw all the men walking with staffs and said...

"They're so old, they even have to use sticks, huh?"

Death, the Final Frontier...

So Joe and I were talking last night, and being on the silly side, I told him he couldn't die on me because I didn't want to have to sell and move out of our new house. To which he replied...

Joe: "You can use my life insurance to pay off the house."
Rebecca: "But what about burial costs?"
Joe: "Do whatever is cheapest."
Rebecca: "I think that would be cremation. Are you ok with cremation?"
Joe: "I can live with that."
Rebecca: "You can live with that?" giggle, giggle, giggle
Joe: "Oh, I guess not." (Laughing)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Roses, and Noses...

...And (just in case you wanted to know), yes, my whole house smells like Bath and Bodyworks Peony lotion...

The Water Heater...

So yesterday morning I had a cold shower at 5am. Not fun I can assure you. I figured that my water heater was broken, and that it was just one of those things that happens when you own your own home (well, I think the bank owns the home, but they don't care about the water heater).
In any case, I was wrong. The water heater works just fine. And how did I find out that it works just fine? Well...

I had to give Jon a 20 minute shower last night. Why, you ask? Well, because the Poison Control Man said to. Why did I call Poison Control? Because Jon had covered himself in body lotion. He had rubbed it on every inch of skin, put it in his ears, up his nose, in his mouth, and had started to scream when he rubbed it in his eyes. Yeah. Fun times, huh? So I put him in the kitchen sink and rinsed, called Poison Control, and took him up to shower. Oh, yeah, did I mention that he had a dirty diaper? You can imagine my surprise when I started to strip him in the bathroom (which has carpet) and found an unexpected gift. This resulted in getting a "dirty" bathroom floor (don't ask).
But all in all, not a bad evening if you look at the positive...

I had a hot shower this morning at 5am.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reality, when you're almost 6...

Conversation I just had with Katie...

Katie: "Jon just turned 2 a while ago."
Mommy: "That's right, his birthday was last week."
Katie: "But Jon doesn't look two."
Mommy: "He doesn't?"
Katie: "No, He looks bigger than 2 like maybe 3."
Mommy: "Do you think so?"
Katie: "Yes. I know that when he is grown up he is going to be small like this." She squats down, and puts her hand on her head to show me how small.
Mommy: "You think he's going to be that small huh?"
Katie: "Yes." she said this very directly. "I know, because Hannah is bigger." Hannah is her cousin.
Mommy: "Do you know how old Hannah is? Hannah's 5."
Katie: "Yes. But she was bigger when she was 2, I know, I remember."
Mommy: "Ok." Just can't argue with that.


Ok, so it's Laura's fault...She did it on her blog, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
So I did it too, I added the "Followers" ability to my blog. It's a pretty cool addition to blogger if you ask me.
So, thank you Laura for your unknowing encouragement. And remember, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" right? Well, at least you know your sphere of influence.

And no, I would not jump off a bridge if my friends did it. I'm afraid of heights.

Stealth Poop...

...Ok, your asking yourself,..."What?!?"
To those of you out there that don't know, I use cloth diapers. This means that after removing a used diaper it must be placed in a bucket.
Well, after changing several dozen diapers, it has become common place to "chuck" a wet one at the bucket. Of course, this would never do if the diaper was dirty right?
So last night Joe did exactly that, he chucked what he though was a wet diaper at the bucket. Only to hear me shriek and question his sanity.
His response was that he didn't see it, he though it was just wet. And then he said it,..."stealth poop".
I laughed so hard!

It's the little things in life that bring a family together...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Quiz 6...

In the Movie, "Mary Poppins", what is suggested to improve your life?

Answer: All of the above.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Facing My Fears...

I have a friend who likes to tell me that I need to face my fears. My response has always been that my fears and I have been such good company these long years that I could not imagine changing them. Well, in honor of my friend, I would like to share how I faced one of my fears yesterday.

Have you ever watched one of those car chases? You know, the ones where one car bumps into the other trying to knock it from the road? Well I have watched those, and been "concerned" about the possibility of it happening to me in real life. I know what you're thinking...a bit on the dramatic side aren't I? Never the less, I have often seen cars inch a little too close for comfort on the road and those scenes are the first thing I think of.
Now, it just so happens, that this very thing happened to me yesterday on the freeway while driving 60mph. A tan truck was driving parallel to me and decided that he liked my lane better. So over he did glide, right into my van. Scared the living daylights out of me!!! I screamed, each time he bumped me. By the grace and mercy of my Lord and Savior, I was not pushed out of my lane, nor were we hurt (all 5 kids were with me). Eddie later told me that he thought I had a spider on me and that was why I was screaming (at my house, screaming and spiders go hand in hand).
So here's to you my fearless friend. I have faced a fear and won. Now the rest of my fears and I are going to have some tea, would you like to join us?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

In the Trenches...

About three weeks ago, the twins started to crawl (Maggie was first by a day or two). It's the funniest thing to watch, because they don't crawl on their hands and knees, but on their forearms and knees.
Picture this
...the floor is layered with toys to the right and to the left, but if only Maggie could get to that one "special" toy that Ellie has. So she moves through the trenches, inching her way through the thicket. Low to the ground she silently approaches Ellie, who is unaware. At the last possible moment, when Maggie is ready to snatch the toy, Ellie rolls over and then away. Maggie must move on. The battle may be lost, but not yet the war.