Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Joy of being a Kid...

Today we are getting everything ready to move.
After my brothers moved and took down the outside play equipment I heard Eddie and Katie say...

Eddie "Look! A big grassy area!"
Katie "Let's step in it!"

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A visit to the Mall...

So a little while ago, a thought came to me. I thought, "if I pierce the twins ears with different earrings, then no one will ever wonder who is who." Now this was not an easy decision to make, and it took me about a month to make it, but low and behold...
Cordy goes first!
First Ear.
Very mad!
Second Ear.
Still mad.
Katie and Hannah
Having fun.
Katie and Hannah NOT getting they're ears pierced.


What's going on here?
First Ear.
Very, Very, mad.
Second Ear.
Giving the Evil Eye.


Still Sleeping.
Who are You?First Ear.
Second Ear.
Very mad!
All Done!
All in all...
more difficult for the mommies.

Innocence not yet lost...

You know how you can watch some movies when you're a kid, and then re-watch them as an adult and realize that what was going on was actually more "adult" then you thought? Well...the same "child vs adult" understanding can occasionally pop up in real life.

Mother "Eddie is the barn door closed?"
Eddie "Ahh! No it's open. The animals are escaping!"
Mother now giggling.

{No "animals" were hurt or seen escaping during the making of this blog}

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My New House...

This is as close as I have ever been...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Doctors, and Starbucks...

The two most expensive things you can't live without when you're a mom.

I called the Doctors office to get a same day appointment for my son (he had a cut on his little toe) and this is what I heard...
"Weren't you just in here a few days ago?"
"Yes, I was. I have 5 kids."
"Wow! No wonder we see you so often...you must be busy."

I have, in fact, been to the Doctors office at least 4 times this month. And the month isn't even over yet... I can't even count how many times my kids have seen Doctors since the beginning of the year!
Here's how I see it:
More Doctor=More Coffee...
So...I think they should open a Starbucks in the Doctors office. Saves time, even if it won't save money...maybe they could even make a discount per cup or child...hmmm...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Once Upon a Time...(A Katie Story)...

...There was a little princess that was in the kingdom, and she was beautiful. And one day a prince came and he climbed up her hair. And there was a bunch of giraffes out of the castle. And there was a wicked witch that was making some poisonous soup, and she was going to give it to the princess. The princess almost ate the soup, but the prince took the pot of soup and poured it on the wicked witch. The wicked witch died, and they lived happily ever after.

The End

Once Upon a Time...(An Eddie Story)...

...There was a courageous Knight named, Edward. He, like all knights before him, would seek out quests to complete, and rewards to earn. One day, when he had gone to kill an evil King, he found some people. There were three people, a young girl named Jamie, a young boy named Myrin, and an old man named Syrus. His new companions decided to help Edward kill the evil King. After they killed the evil King, Edward and his new friends, Jamie, Myrin, and Syrus, returned to Edward's kingdom to live happily ever after.

The End

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The countdown has begun...

Moving day is near,
The boxes aren't packed.
Not ready, I fear.
Movers should be sacked.

Oh wait, guess that's me,
time is running out.
pack a box, or three,
I'll be done, I shout!

I just need more time,
A moment to think.
Not a silly rhyme.
Not a wily wink.

A dozen or so,
Boxes I will need.
Tape and pens you know,
Moving truck to lead.

Friends, and family near,
helping with the move,
Seeing makes it clear,
Help is good, they'll prove.

When done, done, are we,
My new house I'll see.
Content shall we be,
To live, in A Z.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Little known facts...

Katie has more shoes than an Elephant.

Or as my mother likes to say:

"Time flies like an arrow...Fruit flies like a banana."

Or as I like to ask:

"What was the dog carrying in it's mouth?"

It's just so deep...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The moment between two heartbeats...

...the moment before fear, when panic starts to rise.
I picked her up to calm her down, but it didn't work. She wouldn't relax, she didn't know me. Her face mirrored the panic that I was beginning to feel. The voice came, you know, the one that says, "what if?" What if something is really wrong? And then you move, you look for help because the moment has stretched, and the "what ifs" are screaming in your ear. I went to my parents room, to their door. I pounded on it, before opening it. "There's something wrong with Maggie" I said. They had been getting ready for bed, but stopped immediately after hearing my demand. They listened to me as I told them what had happened, what was happening. Maggie had now begun to foam at the mouth. I told them that I had been changing Maggie's diaper while she was asleep, when she suddenly arched her back and her eyes flung open wide. The sound I had heard from her was a choking sort of gasp. Thinking that she had maybe spit up and was gagging, I had picked her up to calm her down. But it hadn't worked. She had been ridged in my arms.
Maggie was calming down now, but she still seemed wrong, off. My mother asked if I wanted her to call 911, and I didn't know. Was she ok and I had just startled her? Did I want to bother the paramedics at this time of night? Yes, I did. So mom called, and the ambulance arrived. By this point, Maggie was back to her old self, smiling and cooing at everyone. Nothing makes you feel more like a deranged liar than a child who at home is on his death bed, but before the Doctor is in perfect health. The EMT asked how long it had lasted, and I said 5 minutes, than 5 more when she was coming back to normal. As I said this though, I thought, how did I know how long? Did I ever look at the clock? No, time had just passed and I was left to guess. They took us to the ER and Maggie was sent to have a CT scan. As I stood outside the CT room waiting for my baby to be done, I heard the "what ifs" grow up again in my ear. They grabbed at me, pulling me, tearing at my soul. Then I heard it. It was a strong gentle voice, not like the "what ifs". It simply said, "I am". "I am peace, I am love, I am mercy, I am faithful". And I knew, in that small space of time, in that moment, that whatever happened, He would be with me, and His strength would be enough.
Maggie is fine. The Doctor thinks she had a seizure. The tests all came back clear.
This was not my first reminder of God's sovereign grace, and I know it won't be my last.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Here she comes to save the day!...

On Tuesday, my mother-in-law arrived by airplane from the UP (for those of you who are geographically challenged like me, that would be the Upper Peninsula of Michigan). She arrived prepared to enter full Grandma status, and has already begun to "lighten" my load one twin at a time. I have been impressed at how quickly she got to work, and now I wish I had gotten a "Grandma" sooner.

(what would it be like if a Grandma came with every baby...?)

Hospital room, fade in...
Nurse enters room
Nurse: "What a beautiful baby girl you have. Here is the Grandma menu. Feel free to order your Grandma anytime before 7pm tonight, when the Grandma shop closes. It usually takes about 45minutes to an hour to have your Grandma delivered, so don't wait too long."
Nurse exits room
Happy parents smile at each other and pick up the phone...
Operator: "Grandma Shop, how can I help you?"
Father: "Hi, yes, we just had a baby and would like to order our Grandma now."
Operator: "Sure, I can help you with that. Do you know what kind you want? Do you have a menu?"
Father: "Yes we do, right here. Umm..we were thinking about ordering the "Gold Model". Can we get that with the "Bronze Model" laundry help"?
Operator: "I sorry Sir, but unfortunately we can't mix the attributes because all the Grandmas are pre-made".
Father: "Oh,..ok, I understand. In that case we would like to order the "Silver Model". Will you be able to deliver that tonight"?
Operator: "Yes, I can have the Grandma there within the hour".
Father: "Perfect. Thank you".
Operator: "Your welcome Sir. Will there be anything else"?
Father: "Nope. That's it".
Operator: "Good-Bye".
Father: "Bye".
Father hangs up phone.
Fade out...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A semi-educated observation from a sleep-deprived mother...

Most mothers can remember a time when their babies didn't understand the societal rules of Night and Day. For some strange reason, mothers are asked to not just loose sleep during their pregnancy, but after the birth of their babies, and then again when their children become teens. This means that if you were to have 4 kids spaced 3 years apart, than you would miss out on a good night sleep for about 30 years. 30 years ladies! Now add that to your own age and no wonder sleep comes so easily after middle age. That's a lot of catching up to do!